Learn English With Manaranjan Sir

Here have the 10 spelling writing rules for your better writing skill.



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Spelling rules - 1

·        in one-syllable word, which end within single vowel + single consonant and if the suffix is begin with vowel then the consonant becomes double.


                                                                 I.          beg + ed = begged

                                                               II.          big + er = bigger

                                                             III.          run + ing = running

                                                             IV.          sad + est = saddest

Rules  2

·        Two or three syllable word which end is in single vowel + single consonant and if the last syllable is in force then the consonant becomes double.


                                                           I.          Submit + ed = submitted

                                                         II.          Occur + ing = occurring

                                                       III.          Stop + er = stopper

                                                       IV.          Begin + ing = beginning

Rules – 3

·        If any word ended with L and if there is vowel before the L, and if the suffix starts with vowel then L becomes double.


                                             I.          Signal + ing = signaling

                                           II.          Repel + ent  = repellent

                                         III.          Quarrel + ed  = quarrelled

                                         IV.          Travel + er = traveler

Rules – 4

·        If any word full is used  as suffix then one L is removed from full


                                  I.          Harm + full = harmful

                                II.          House + full = houseful

Rules – 5

·        In any word E is final and if the suffix is started with vowel then E is removed.

Ex ;

                            I.          Live + ed = lived

                           II.          Live + er = liver

                         III.          Slope + ing = sloping

                         IV.          Drive + ed = drived

·        Again, if the suffix started with consonant then E is not removed.


                                   I.          Grace +full = gracefully

                                 II.          Pure + ly = purely


                                III.          True + ly = truly

                               IV.          Nine + th = ninth    v.  argue + ment = argument.

Rules – 6

·        If  ‘ce’ is the final of any word and if the suffix is used as ‘ous’ then E is changed into ‘I’.


                           I.          Space + ous = spacious

                         II.          Vice + ous = vicious

                        III.          Malice + ous = malicious

                       IV.          Grace +ous = gracious.

Rules- 7

·        If any word is ended with ‘ee’. And if the suffix is add then ‘e’ is not removed.


                           I.          See + ing = seeing

                         II.          Agree + ment = agreement

                        III.          Foresee + ing = foreseeing.

Rules – 8

·        If ‘ie’ is the final of any word and if ‘ing’ is the suffix then ‘ie’ is changed into ‘y’.


                           I.          Tie + ing = tying

                         II.          Die + ing =dying

                        III.          Lie + ing = lying

Rules- 9

·        If   ‘y’ is the final of any word and if there is consonant before the’y’ then use any suffix mostly ‘y’ is changed into ‘I’.


                           I.          Ferry + ed = ferried                                     BUT;

                         II.          Happy + ly  = happily                                      i.   marry + ing = marrying

                        III.          Marry + age = marriage.                                Ii. Carry + ing   = carrying.

                       IV.          Duty + full = dutiful.

Rules – 10

·        If any word is ended with ‘y’ and if there is vowel before the ‘y’  then ‘y’ is remain same.


                           I.          Disobey + ed = disobeyed

                         II.          Stay + er = stayer

                        III.          Spray + ed = sprayed




  1. I read this lessons and I got satisfied from this.

  2. Really it helps to learn the dictation

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