मैं रांची जाता हूं जब मुझे अच्छा लगता है।
I go to Ranchi when I feel good.
मैं आपसे बहुत कुछ कहना चाहता हूं पर कह नहीं पाता हूं।
I want to say you a lot but unable to say.
आपकी चाहत ने मुझे बेशक पागल बना दिया।
Your willing make me absolutely mad.
मुझे नहीं पता इसका अंजाम क्या होगा।
I don't know what will be the cost of it.
वक्त और हालात ने कितनों को सुधार दिया।
How many has been upgraded by moment and situation.
तुम्हें देख कर मेरा दिल ना जाने कितने बार रोता है।
Having seeing you unknowingly as much heart weeps.
तुम्हें देखने से मेरा खून खौलता है।
Seeing you opens my blood.
चाहत जब पूरी हो जाती है तब वह बेईमान हो जाता है।
When the desire is fulfilled then it becomes dishonest.
तुम्हारी हंसी इतनी सुंदर है कि दिल करता है मैं हमेशा देखता रहूं।
Your smile is so lovely so that my heart blows to see you always.
छू कर तो देखो तूफान खड़ा कर देंगे।
Touch me fall with storm.
देखो लड़का मुझे आंख मार रहा है।
See the boy is blinking eyes to me.
देखो तो कौन किसका जासूसी कर रहा है।
Look who's spying on whom.
उसने तो मुझे कहीं का नहीं छोड़ा।
He didn't leave me for anywhere.
मन करता है कि इसे तुरंत ही तोड़ दो।
Mind blows to break it at a moment.
ना मुझे समझ सका, ना समझते हो और ना ही समझोगे।
Couldn't understand me neither understand nor will be understood.
Idioms and phrases is an important concept of English comprehension which is often asked in competitive exams in India. Practicing questions from each topic within the time limit will help candidates in preparation. Candidates preparing for these exams must practice the questions of idioms and phrases for scoring well in this section.
In the following article, we are going to discuss some important Idioms and Phrases questions for several competitive exams. A list of important idioms and phrases is also provided below so that the students can revise well.
An idiom is a phrase or expression in which all of the words have multiple definitions than they often do. Idioms are enjoyable to use since they are a common feature of speech.
List of Important Idioms and Phrases
S.No | Idioms and Phrases | Meaning |
1 | to have ants in your pants | A person who can’t still calm or remains silent |
2 | to take the bull by the horns | To deal with a difficult situation |
3 | to let the cat out of the bag | To disclose a secret |
4 | to have the cat get your tongue | Doesn’t have words to say or is usually quite |
5 | to be raining cats and dogs | It is used to describe heavily rain |
6 | to have a cow | To become very angry at something |
7 | to wait until the cows come home | Waiting for someone for a long time |
8 | to be in the doghouse | Being in trouble by someone else |
9 | to let sleeping dogs lie | Stop interfering in a situation that doesn’t cause any harm |
10 | to be in a fine kettle of fish | Being in an awkward situation |
11 | to seem a little fishy | Seems suspicious |
12 | to live high on the hog | Living a prosperous and a healthy life |
13 | to eat like a horse | Eat large quantities of food |
14 | to look a gift horse in the mouth | Finding faults in a gift or favour |
15 | to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth | Hearing the information from the main source |
16 | to hold your horses | Saying someone to stop or care about their decision |
17 | to put the cart before the horse | Reversing the order or procedure of something |
18 | to change horses in midstream | Choosing a different leader |
19 | Under the weather | Feeling unwell |
20 | Turning a blind eye | To overlook |
21 | Make a beeline | Go quickly and directly to somewhere |
22 | At sixes and seven | If someone is in a state of confusion |
23 | Counting your chickens | When someone should not depend on something |
24 | Pain in the neck | When someone is very annoying |
25 | Like chalk and cheese | When two things are different from each other |
26 | To sit on the fence | When someone delays making a decision |
27 | Once in a blue moon | An incident that happens rarely |
28 | Burn the midnight oil | Work hard for a long time |
29 | Cook the Books | When someone alters the figures |
30 | Decked up | Wearing special clothes to look attractive |