Learn English With Manaranjan Sir


 PHONETICS - This is the scientific study of speech sounds. It consists of three main sub-fields:

Phonetics is a kind of sound with stress in basis of various words.

aBILity  क्षमता 

aBOUT  लगभग 

aCCOUNT  खाता 

 ACCUrate  निश्चित 

ACtion।       à¤•à¤°्म 

 ACtually   à¤µास्तव मे 

adminiSTRAtion  शासन 

 adVANCE    अग्रिम 

 adVANtage     à¤«ायदा 

amBition।   à¤²à¤•्ष 

appliCAtion   à¤†à¤µेदन 

 aPPOINT नियुक्ती 

ARmy      सेना 

 aRRANGE   à¤¸à¤œà¤¨ा 

, aRREST  ग्राफतार 

, aSSISTant  शायक 

aTTACK आक्रमण करना 

 BACKground  प्रीस्ट भूमि

beCAUSE, beGINNing, BLANket, BLUNder, BREAKdown, CALculate, camPAIGN, caPACITY,

caREER, CERtainly, CERtainly, cerTIficate, coMMAND, COmmon, communiCAtion, comPARison

comPLETE, concenTRAtion, co-OPerate, DANger, deBATE, deFEAT, 

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