Learn English With Manaranjan Sir


 PHONETICS - This is the scientific study of speech sounds. It consists of three main sub-fields:

Phonetics is a kind of sound with stress in basis of various words.

aBILity  क्षमता 

aBOUT  लगभग 

aCCOUNT  खाता 

 ACCUrate  निश्चित 

ACtion।       कर्म 

 ACtually   वास्तव मे 

adminiSTRAtion  शासन 

 adVANCE    अग्रिम 

 adVANtage     फायदा 

amBition।   लक्ष 

appliCAtion   आवेदन 

 aPPOINT नियुक्ती 

ARmy      सेना 

 aRRANGE   सजना 

, aRREST  ग्राफतार 

, aSSISTant  शायक 

aTTACK आक्रमण करना 

 BACKground  प्रीस्ट भूमि

beCAUSE, beGINNing, BLANket, BLUNder, BREAKdown, CALculate, camPAIGN, caPACITY,

caREER, CERtainly, CERtainly, cerTIficate, coMMAND, COmmon, communiCAtion, comPARison

comPLETE, concenTRAtion, co-OPerate, DANger, deBATE, deFEAT, 

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