Noun : A noun is the nome of a person , place , thing, quality, condition and action(किसी व्यक्ति स्थान वस्तु गुण दोष और कार्यकलाप के नाम को Noun कहते हैं)
Examples: जैसे:-
person - Mukesh
place - Patna
thing - Pen
Quality - Honesty
condition - illness
Action - movement
There are two types of noum
1. Countable Noun 2.Uncountable Noun
Countable Noun
The Nouns which can be counted like:-
veena, girl, class etc.
a) Proper Noun :- The noun which denotes a proper person ,place or thing
proper person - Binay, Ajit ,Nilu
proper place - Mumbai ,kolkata,Delhi
proper thing - Ramayana,Gita ,Bible
b) Common Noun : - The Noun which denotes common person ,place or things,
Common person - Man , women
proper place - Town , School
proper thing - Book , Table
c) Collective Noun :- The noun which denotes a group of persons or other creatures and collections of things
Group of persons :-
i) A crew of sailors
ii) A team of players
ii) A class of students
iv) An army of soildiers
Collectons of things :-
i) A fleet of ship
ii) A bunch of flowers
ii) A library of books
Uncountable noun
The Noun which cannot be counted :-
ex :- gold , water ,oil. coffe , honesty
a) Material Noun :- The noun which denotes materials
Ex :- Copper , silver, tea, coffee,ghee etc.
b) Abstract Noun :- The Noun which denotes Quality ,Condition or Action.
Ex: wisdom , humanity , pride , bravery , childhood etc.
To Know more about Collective Nouns Click Here