parts of speech is a word which is used to join more than a word or sentence with have a clear meaning is called parts of speech.
there are eight kinds of parts of speech.
1 noun 2. pronoun 3. verb 4. adverb 5. adjective 6.adverb 7. preposition 8. conjunction 9. interjection.
from here you can download the details of all the eight kinds of parts of speech in pdf format.
1. Noun : Naming words are called noun.
for e,g - Ram , Gita and Ranchi. etc.
2. Pronoun : Pronoun is word which is used sit on the place of noun is called pronoun.
Ex - He/ She/It are the pronouns.
3. Verb : Action words are called verb.
E,g -work ,sit, play ,etc.
4. Adverb : Adverb is a word which is used modify the verb.
E,g - slowly, quickly and fastly etc.
5. Preposition : preposition is a word which is used sit before the place of noun is called preposition
E,g ,- in ,at, on , under ,over etc.
6 adjective : Adjective is a word which is hii used to define the quality of noun is called adjective.
E,g - beautiful, nice, sweet etc.
7. Conjunction : conjunction is a word which is used to join more than one word or sentence is called conjunction.
E,g - but, and, then etc.
8. Interjection : interjection is a word which shows the feelings in front of others is called interjection.
E,g - hurrah , bravo, Welldone etc.